Test-Drive Our Innovation at POST 2024

Event Details

Date of Event

March 4-7, 2024

Event location

Hawaii Convention Center

1801 Kalākaua Ave

Booth 302

Honolulu, HI 96815

Explore Our Solutions


Marine Remote Access Device Sensornet (M-RADS)

The Maritime Remote Access Device and SensorNet is a rapidly deployable, self-healing, extensible mesh network of buoys for signal collection and classification at the edge. 

It enables the creation of a mesh network anywhere in the world, allowing cyber operators to access data from a safe distance to execute wireless mission objectives. 


Accelerate the operator decision cycle through edge processing and data analytics. Using AI and machine learning, EdgeAware automatically integrates full mission video (FMV) and radio frequency (RF) data into a rendered 3D geospatial photogrammetric map—without the need for cloud compute or internet access.

During this demo you will learn how EdgeAware accelerates mission effectiveness, situational awareness, and decision making with AI-powered data, 3D location targeting, and digital integration with the latest technology. 

Modular Detachment Kit (MDK) C2-HUB

Booz Allen’s Modular Detachment Kit (MDK) C2-Hub revolutionizes tactical command and control (C2), offering unprecedented multidomain integration by seamlessly fusing sensor and datalink information—federating a common operating picture of the battlespace across the joint force.

Bridging the technological gap, MDK introduces a modular, tailored mobile approach that provides warfighters with a clear understanding of the battlespace.

During this demo, you’ll learn about MDK, C2 with multidomain integration, adaptive capabilities, and strategic partnerships for operational excellence. Discover C2 redefined, from tactical precision to strategic advantage.

BigHorn AI Kit™

This AI optimization kit enables automated detection, classification, and labeling of targets from FMV or satellite imagery. It rapidly re-trains and deploys AI/ML models to edge devices in minutes.

BigHorn AI is a portable kit combining user-friendly software and ruggedized hardware for operators to build, update, and deliver AI to sensors at the tactical edge in disconnected environments. It accelerates intelligence gathering for pattern of life analysis, terrain assessments, and other reconnaissance and surveillance elements.

Deployable Classified Networks

This NSA-approved Commercial Solutions for Classified (CSfC) solution integrates endpoints from our District Defend® solution, local 5G connectivity, and edge cloud—providing secure connectivity to classified enterprise services from the edge.

In our role as a CSfC Trusted Integrator, Booz Allen delivers expedited solutions by leveraging our proven CSfC experience across the government, the ability to scale using our global reach and deep bench of multifunctional cleared experts, and our multiyear investments in innovation. Contact us for more information about how the CSfC Program can enhance your mission and secure your environment.

Zero Trust Data Exchange (ZDX)

Try our zero trust architecture prototype focused on data security. Our solution implements data tagging and data classification using trusted data format (TDF) standards set by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (XML format).

This solution can secure any type of data (structured or unstructured) using encryption and applying data tags and classification. We leverage the use of user and file attribute-based access control (ABAC), customized or predefined, to grant or deny access. It implements data security control for email and file shares and offers direct application integration.

MockSAT Testbed

To demonstrate our approach in an educational or lab environment, we developed the MockSat (“Mock Satellite”) testbed. MockSat is a Booz Allen integrated hardware/software cyber-physical testbed based upon the ArduSat 3U cubesat hardware and software.

It represents a simple mock environment consisting of a satellite with flight control software, a communications link, and multiple sensor subsystems, as well as a ground-based control station with C2 capabilities. MockSat supports training, prototype development, and demonstration of cybersecurity methodologies that can be adapted and applied to deployed satellites.

Partner Solutions

Find out more about our partnerships with Reveal Technology and Hidden Level.


Hidden Level

Hidden Level designs next-generation, long-range sensors and offers the Airspace Monitoring Service (AMS), a technology that uses these sensors to provide a scalable and cost-effective drone detection solution.


Farsight by Reveal

Farsight is a revolutionary receive-only software platform that gives disconnected and distributed teams access to actionable ISR, rapid modeling, and advanced analytics at the tactical edge.

Farsight processes sensor-collected imagery to create maneuver-quality 3D models in near-real time. It is platform- and sensor-agnostic to integrate seamlessly into legacy, current, and future systems. Users can mesh AI-powered analytics directly into models to increase situational awareness and reduce cognitive burden. Modeling and analytics are processed at the edge and require minimum processing power—making it unlike any other commercial-off-the-shelf or government-off-the-shelf solution on the market.


Schedule a Demo

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